Promote to a fast growing community of 4,900+ creatives
Combined social media exposure to an active audience over 10,000
A committed community with engagement 10+% higher than similar audiences
Over $200
- Make your own announcement (max 1 min.) at sponsored event
- Logo on event assets, social media flyers & our meetup page
- 5 promotional mentions via social media &/or our meetups
$100 – $200
- Event shoutout
- Logo on event assets social media flyers & our meetup page
- 3 promotional mentions via social media &/or our meetups
- 1 promotional mention through our email list
Under $100
- Event shoutout
- One promotional mention via social media &/or our meetups
For Creative Challenges (see below)
- Special promotional terms will be negotiated
All products donated to be used in marketing content produced by TCR will have specific terms and agreements.
How you can help…
Event Sponsorship
Networking Events
- Event Space or Rental Fees – $200
- Food and Beverage – $100 or product donation ($100 wholesale value)
- Giveaways – (services, products, books, etc.) any monetary value
Creative Challenge Events
- Prizes – any monetary value
- Supplies – $20+
General Sponsorship
Help with general costs
- Meetup.com and other fees
- Snacks and coffee for weekly roundtables
- Miscellaneous supplies: name tags, markers, printed assets, etc.